Dogs that are/have been with us recently:
Cue - June 2006 Incoming Date - An 8 hour roundtrip drive by Gene to Murray County Animal Control in Chatsworth, Ga ended with the arrival of Cue, short for 'Rescue', here at Falkrigia. Cue was supposed to be a 5 month old GSD pup. It was immediately clear to Gene that he was NOT 5 months old NOR was he a GSD. However Gene had left on an 8 hour drive to save a dog - and the dog came home. Now he is a delightfully comical permanent resident as he is a very adept escape artist who truly believes he is the 'GSD in Charge'. :-) PERMANENT RESIDENT

Marco - Sept 07 - Is a great young neutered male who came from a rescue in Cochran, Ga who had pulled him for Last Hope/ Safe Haven for GSDs (LHSH). Marco has been a delight to have at Falkrigia during his wait for a family of his own . Happily ADOPTED by a loving family in Augusta.

Bubba - Jan 2007 - Bubba is a young, shy, pretty insecure black and tan coonhound who is gorgeous and funny with a loud coonhound yowl. He came from Rockdale County Animal Control with Jewel. Gene went for one - came back with 2 :-). He is gaining confidence and lives very amicably with Noushka, John's retired K-9 malinois at the farm. He would love to have a coonhound-loving person for his very own who would be patient as he continues to gain trust and confidence but can remain a permanent resident of Appaloosa Acres if needed. AVAILABLE to a special situation.

Rambler - Sept 07 - One day I pulled up to the farm and saw what looked like a cat at first lying under the truck.When I got out of the car, out it came. I thought it was a Fox terrier/Jack Russell cross but when John took him to the vet for a check over and shots, we were told he was a 'Feist'. Great little dog. Never have found his owner but he has found a forever home with us at the farm if need be. He's the easiest, most agreeable dog I think I've ever been around. Great with the cats and the horses and would make a superb barn dog except for his size which would make him prey at night for the foxes and coyotes we have in the area. Guess he'll be an indoor dog at night if he stays with us. ADOPTED
Ranger - Oct 07 - Ranger is an adult male black and tan coonhound with an awesome personality. He came out of Murray County Animal Control in a criminal abuse and neglect case. He was almost dead from starvation when he was confiscated along with several other dogs of various breeds and had burns on many parts of his body but his wonderful trust and acceptance of people has not been broken. He's unbelievable in that sense. This is a great dog who has a long way to go to full recovery but he is at Appaloosa Acres with Nouska and Bubba and everything possible will be done to bring him back to full health. This is a dog who deserves every chance to have a good life. He is incredibly sweet, social and trusting which tells me he had a good start in life somewhere before ending up with the monster he was confiscated from. PERMANENT RESIDENT

Twister - Twister is now a beloved member of the family of dogs owned by Marcia Geraci and is enjoying the wonderful life of an indoor guardian and companion. Thanks to Marcia for giving this great dog an equally great home !!

Hutch - At least that's the name he has now - is a young mix of hound, mastiff or boxer and is a beautiful, happy, very social dog who is very easy to deal with and seems to be very fond of children. He does not appear to be dog aggressive in our multi-dog setting and has played one-on-one with our girls. He showed up at our house one afternoon and has never left though we did encourage him to 'go home' for a couple of days before he made it clear that he 'was home'. :-) Unable to find his owners, he was with us until adopted. Adopted by repeat adopter Kristen Perez who owned Bat - Falkrigia's Romancin' The Wind

Hutch is owned and loved by the Perez family.

Devynn and Hutch

Mom Kristen Perez with Hutch

Young female – very intelligent and quite eye-catching. Will make an excellent companion for an active, experienced hound person. Is not suitable with livestock. See Lynda
Soot - Soot is a sweet and loving black lab female who showed up one day recently with a black lab male. We had no response to a 'found' ad and placed the male in a good loving adoptive home. She has been spayed, is HW negative and UTD on all shots.