Falkrigia Shepherds


WINS 2010




Kaleef-Jaepaul SanJuan Diego Falkrigia OFA
BOS from specials Augusta GSDC 9/26/10 judge Dean Wylie
BOB GSDC of Atlanta 10/2/10 judge D D Ardoin
BOB GSDC of Atlanta 10/3/10 judge Barbara Hefner
CH Tsali Jubilate Raisin' Kane at Falkrigia aka Kane
WD BOS 4 point major Augusta GSDC 9/25/10 judge Nancy Harper
WD 3 pont major New Champion - Augusta GSD C 9/26/10 judge Dean Wylie

WINS 2009




Kaleef-Jaepaul SanJuan Diego Falkrigia OFA
WD 4pts and BOS over specials.
Judge Randy Darnell
Fayetteville KC 3-22-09
Falkrigia-Caphalo's Dragon's Mist
Charleston KC
1/24/09 and 1/25/09
Winners Bitch and Best of Breed - both days
Judge Mrs C C McGowan - Saturday
Judge Mrs. Pat Hastings - Sunday 
Kaleef-Jaepaul SanJuan Diego Falkrigia OFA
Judge Doris Farrell
GSDC of Jackson, Miss
Winners Dog 4 point MAJOR
Kaleef-Jaepaul SanJuan Diego Falkrigia OFA
Judge Kathy Casteel
GSDC of Louisiana
Winners Dog 4 point MAJOR
Falkrigia-Caphalo's DragonQuest
Piedmont KC
Winners Dog and BOS
Judge Sue Woodle
Falkrigia-Caphalo's DragonQuest
Columbia KC
Winners Dog and BOS
Judge Dana Cline
Falkrigia-Caphalo's DragonQuest
Columbia KC
Winners Dog and BOB
Judge Francine Swarz
Falkrigia's Twice Quothe The Raven
Piedmont KC
RWDJudge Sue Woodle

 WINS 2007- 2008

Falkrigia's Nevermore - Ist place Rally Excellent A - Judge Vivien Brown
Savannah KC 12-2-07
Falkrigia's Nevermore - 3rd place Rally Excellent A
Forsyth KC - 12-9-07
Caphalo-Falkrigia Dragon's Mist owned by Louise Cauthen - Winners bitch
Savannah KC 12-2-07
Judge Ed McNamee
Falkrigia-Caphalo Dragon's Knight - Winners Dog - BOW - Best of Breed
Charleston KC 1-26-08
Judge Mr Olvis
Kaleef's Renee of Falkrigia - Winners Bitch - Major
Forsyth KC - 12-9-07
Judge Mrs. Penta
Falkrigia-Caphalo Dragon's Knight - Winners Dog - BOW - BOS
Charleston KC 1-27-08
Judge Meredith Johnson-Snyder
Falkrigia's Spitfire - Winners Bitch
Danville KC 8/7/08
Judge - Mr Standbridge
Falkrigia-Caphalo Dragon's Knight - Winners Dog
Clemson KC 5-3-08
Judge Mr Filburn
Falkrigia's Spitfire - Winners Bitch - BOW - Major
Carolina KC 8-10-08
Judge - Dr Reasin

History Links Litters Wins


